La Hospitalidad sagrada entre las religiones

La Hospitalidad sagrada entre las religiones - Pierre-François de Béthune - Herder
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Weight: 275 g

For another religion is necessary to "share life" with those who believe in it. The word for this sharing of life is that "hospitality" without the practice of hospitality is not possible to know another religion as they live it believers.

Here is a book that touches the heart of true inter-religious dialogue and not about doctrines, but the sense that life is for us when we live our religion. Hospitality always requires practice, action and ultimately, love, this love which is the condition for knowledge.

Invite a foreigner to come to the table is the ultimate act of hospitality. And the hospitality demands more than a sharing roof, eat together and calls this "friendliness" is a celebration of the Eucharist in its full meaning.
Raimon Panikkar

Category: All >> Theology

Book: La Hospitalidad sagrada entre las religiones

ISBN: 8425426162
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 30%