La identidad de Francia II

Los hombres y las cosas

La identidad de Francia II - Fernand Braudel - Gedisa
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Soft cover

Horizons of the Mediterranean, this sea so often crossed and so loved, in the native terroir; open spaces of economies; world in the French hexagon: the work of Fernand Braudel, one of the greatest historians of this century, has not followed a common path. In the autumn of his life, in a book that was to be the last, he set out for what, for many, was a starting point: the discovery of the roots, the characterization of the nation, the account of its own history.

If Braudel's function is different from all the others who tell the "stories of France", classic or recent, the explanation must be sought in the original gaze of a historian who lived long away from it. Hence, in this work in the form of a triptych, the unique example of a search for identity that, from one end to another, is nourished by the knowledge of other places, by the long frequentation of the other. more


Book: La identidad de Francia II

ISBN: 9788474324686
Precio de lista: $830.00
Descuento: 20%