La individuación a la luz de las nociones de forma y de información

La individuación a la luz de las nociones de forma y de información - Gilbert Simondon - Cactus
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Warning: this book is a journey. Anyone in search of a complete, sophisticated and ambitious philosophical system, here is one of the cathedrals of the twentieth century, waiting for suitable time is precisely ours. Seeketh key to the understanding of Western thought in the last 50 years, you will find your passwords: uniqueness, becoming, event. Who is not satisfied with what he says the philosophy itself, but delves into the sciences living so many revolutions still not understood, may run into refined interpretations of physics, biology, psychology or social sciences, without sacrificing classic and forgotten issues such as spirituality. For all, and perhaps for anyone, Gilbert Simondon wrote this great work under the sign of the concept of individuation. This is the second edition of a book destined to make history, especially as its author used to be a perfect stranger in life ( more



Book: La individuación a la luz de las nociones de forma y de información

ISBN: 9789873831010
Precio de lista: $770.00
Descuento: 20%