La Mano de la Buena Fortuna

La Mano de la Buena Fortuna - Goran Petrović - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Weight: 460 g
Soft cover

With The Hand of Good Fortune, Goran Petrovic achieved what is rarely achieved: sculpting one of the most perfect pieces that inhabit the so-called Absolute Literature. It is an account of the different love stories that revolve around a very peculiar book, My Legacy, by Anastas Branica. At first glance this is a book where there is no plot or characters, just descriptions. However, that is what makes it a self-sufficient space, in a world that can only be inhabited by its readers, the only true protagonists. Anastas writes the book to live in it with his beloved, since reality is still a pale sketch of what My legacy truly represents. From what Petrovic calls «simultaneous reading», it is possible to coincide with other people in the same book, and not only that, but also to experience what is beyond what is simply written. How else can we describe what happens to us when we read more


Book: La Mano de la Buena Fortuna

ISBN: 9788417517854
Precio de lista: $370.00
Descuento: 15%