La mistica. Estudio de la naturazleza y desarrollo…

La mistica. Estudio de la naturazleza y desarrollo… - Evelyn Underhill - Trotta
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Weight: 860 g

The mystical experience usually presents itself as an intense experience that implies personal unification with the Divine or Ultimate Reality. But although in this sense "only mystics can speak and write about mysticism," it is possible to accompany them in their exploration and to study the mystical phenomenon with a view to understanding not only their nature and manifestations, but their relation to the world of the spirit in general . The present work of Evelyn Underhill, one of the classic treatises on mysticism, seeks to restore, in the words of its author, the old meaning of mysticism as "science or art of spiritual life." Its value lies both in the richness of its documentation and in the clarity and security of its fundamental intuitions and theses, which make it an essential introduction. The first part of the book delimits the "mystical fact" in its relation with more


Book: La mistica. Estudio de la naturazleza y desarrollo…

ISBN: 9788498796797
Precio de lista: $1,250.00
Descuento: 25%