La muerte y su misterio

La muerte y su misterio - Camilo Flammarion - Ediciones Obelisco
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Obelisco
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 99.8 g
Soft cover

The questions about what happens after life, where the souls of the dead are going to stop and the so -called life of the ultratumba constitute a mystery that has greatly attracted human beings since the beginning of humanity. As Camilo Flammarion argues, "the dead do not return and the manifestations of ourselves are exceptions," but these exceptions, much more numerous than we actually believe, have allowed the author to study the issue in depth throughout history. In this exciting book, Camilo Flammarion collects and comments real experiences, while offering the testimony of other sages about life after death.


Book: La muerte y su misterio

ISBN: 9788497777957
Precio de lista: $220.00
Descuento: 15%