La música clásica

La música clásica - Phillip G. Downs - Akal
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This volume of our Music history focuses on the rise and decline of classical style, which flourished between the mid-eighteenth century and the second decade of the nineteenth century. Throughout its pages reveal the enormous diversity and constant changes that characterize the musical creation of this period. Disregarding usual stylistic classifications as Rococo or full Classicism, Downs organizes your text addressing the social conditions and everyday life of the musicians and the prevailing aesthetic and audience preferences regarding musical structures, the organization of combinations and orchestral groups, and different playing styles. In its various chapters a complete and thorough study of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, the giants of the composition, but without forgetting at any time to less famous artists or Kleinmeister object of careful analysis also addressed. Abundantly more


Category: All >> Music >> History and antiquity

Book: La música clásica

ISBN: 9788446041689
Precio de lista: $1,140.00
Descuento: 15%