La noche en el espejo

La noche en el espejo - Claudina Domingo - Sexto piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"Everyone has her hardships, and mine is always having to run away from something," says the protagonist of this novel, a woman in search of an impossible peace packed by encounters that immerse her in cavernous realities that seem like dreams. We see amazing, grotesque or simply hopeless characters parading in front of her. These are almost always fleeting encounters, which have the peculiar magical nature of encounters without a second chance. The protagonist does not shy away from any, because everyone can be the one who will put an end to her escape, and that full availability, so agreed, makes her almost disembodied.

Claudina Domingo has had the happy intuition that only a style between realistic and dreamlike can apprehend the complexity of such a character, and to him he remains faithful with a wealth of resources and an emotional tension that never decays, giving us a more


Book: La noche en el espejo

ISBN: 9786078619382
Precio de lista: $310.00
Descuento: 15%