Las flores de Tarbes o El Terror de las letras

Las flores de Tarbes o El Terror de las letras - Jean Paulhan - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
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In times of Terror, says Paulhan in Tarbes flowers or Terror in Literature (1941), men are required purity, and the works that people take more into consideration. Writers who after a hundred years fear contamination of words, aspire, fleeing traditional expressions, platitudes and clichés, to translate their thoughts in a new language that does not betray.

Forbidden to enter the garden the letters with flowers of rhetoric, terrorists, therefore, fleeing especially gender. Novelistic they not want novels, non-theatrical theater and poetry not poetry. Fleeing the known, aspire to the new, light up monsters. It is the Terror. Against terrorists maintainers, they do not repudiate that old Rhetoric rise. This leaves the bloodless duel literature. Triumphs, as is known, Terror in Literature, but the insurmountable fear of artifice end leading terrorists to a dead end. The remedy? more


Book: Las flores de Tarbes o El Terror de las letras

ISBN: 9788495897787