La penúltima bondad

Ensayo sobre la vida humana

La penúltima bondad - Josep M.  Esquirol - Acantilado
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 241 g

This essay approaches in a subtle and unexpected way the "essential infinitives" of the human being: living, thinking and loving. And it constitutes, without doubt, a valuable philosophical contribution, developed from the concept of "retreat of feeling". The unique style of the author goes serenely but tenaciously, like a fine rain, proposing a revealing itinerary through pages dedicated to the commotion, desire, creation, friendship, revolution and gratitude. And from the beginning we anticipate the most nuclear: "Here, in the outskirts, genesis and degeneration, life and death, the human and the inhuman-since only the human can be inhuman-, proximity and indifference . Here, in the outskirts, the evil is very deep, but the goodness is still more. Here, in the outskirts, nothing makes more sense than the shelter and generosity. Here, in the outskirts, we not only live, but we are more


Book: La penúltima bondad

ISBN: 9788416748846
Precio de lista: $535.00
Descuento: 25%