La sombra en el cuadro

La sombra en el cuadro - François Jullien - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
Year of publication: 
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To say that there is a "shadow in the picture", following an image that has already become cliche, is to indicate that something stains, that we complain to find it again. This shadow perceived in the picture of life will be death, suffering, disease, war, injustice, etc., which we wish we did not have to face. Well, it is also one of the oldest motives of thinking, even of the most worn, that of showing that shadows are needed in the painting so that colors can be highlighted and that we can admire them and that, without suffering, Disease, war, death, etc., we would not know what is good, health, peace, nor life. "If there were no such things," says Heraclitus, thus naming in disorder all those traces of injustice that we encounter every day, "they would not have known the word Justice" ... Imagine "God" artist: he would do You need to handle all those shadow games to highlight more


Book: La sombra en el cuadro

ISBN: 9788495897701