François Jullien France, 1951
He studied at the Ecole Normale Supérieure and then at universities in Shanghai and Beijing. He was responsible for the French Sinology antenna in Hong Kong and a fellow of the Maison franco-japonaise Tokyo. PhD in Far Eastern Studies (1978) and Letters (1983), was president of the French Association for Chinese Studies and the Collège International de Philosophie. He currently teaches at the Paris 7 University and director of the Centre Marcel Granet and the Institute of Contemporary Thought. The work being undertaken between Chinese thought and European philosophy is oriented to both offshore reflection, exploring the different than those developed by European thought and intelligibilities Far East, due to return, creating a crisis of elections European reason and question their decision-match. Trying to avoid the double trap of ethnocentric prejudice and fascination of the exotic, his ambition is to build a relationship so remote intercultural easy lazy relativism and universalism.