When you progress in life, there is a question that, little by little, one can no longer stop assembling: Why do I still live?
You can keep this question at the low level of self-help, disguised as "wisdom", and the happiness market.
Or or face it philosophically to find a more ambitious output than would be the promotion of a "second life".
A second life is a life that, in the very course of life, slowly uncoupled of itself and begins to choose and reform.
To access it, we will have to think what are not demonstrated truths, but decanted from life itself; or how can we try again from the accumulated experience; or how lucidity is negative knowledge (of the effective) that reaches us, but we can assume; Or how life can lead not to a conversion, but in a detached life.
Or how a second love, no longer based on possession, but in the infinity of the int...read more