La Teología de la Liberación y su contexto histórico

La Teología de la Liberación y su contexto histórico - Adlaí Navarro García - Navarra
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Soft cover

The present work aims to explain the historical context within which Liberation Theology emerges, not from its crystallization but from its emergence. That is, not from what liberation theology or theologians argue has been the history of this current, but from another point of view, from the historical operation.

Obviously we are not searching for the origin of Liberation Theology, since the search for the origin, as Marc Bloch points out, is an obsession that has covered all the concerns of exegetes. The search for the origin leads us to an endless search.

For this reason, instead of origin we have used another term: genealogy. We have not pointed out the difference, it is Michel Foucault who uses it when approaching Nietzsche's writings. For him, the origin or original background does not exist, for the simple reason that things are empty of something like a final more


Book: La Teología de la Liberación y su contexto histórico

ISBN: 9786079497095
Precio de lista: $200.00
Descuento: 10%