La vaca que lloraba

Y otros cuentos budistas acerca de la felicidad

La vaca que lloraba - Ajahn Brahm - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 300.5 g
Soft cover

Modern stories about happiness, compassion and love that will enlighten and entertain us. During his travels and his work as a Buddhist monk for the past 30 years, Ajahn Brahm has put together a lot of moving, funny and profound stories. Although the traditional Buddhist philosophy is at the heart of this chosen selection, these stories are written in the manner of cheerful parables, cleverly designed to embark on a deeper exploration of topics such as mindfulness, suffering, forgiveness, Hope, wisdom or unconditional love. Narrated with wit and good humor, they show flashes of compassion in the lives of ordinary people and the timeless wisdom of the Buddha's teaching.


Book: La vaca que lloraba

ISBN: 9788499884660
Precio de lista: $460.00
Descuento: 15%