Lancha rápida

Lancha rápida - Renata Adler - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
Book size:

Renata Adler had already gained a reputation as a incendiary and controversial journalist in The New Yorker before publishing in 1976 her first and already mythical novel Speedboat, one of the American works of worship of the second half of the twentieth century. Jen Fain, the protagonist, is a young journalist with no goals, seemingly unable to establish a romantic link or pose a direct question, unable even to pick up the newspaper in the morning without finding a moral dilemma in the form of a fainting vagabond in the lobby, But, nevertheless, it manages to put in the point of view the subtleties of life. From the ashes of the libertarian and hippie dream of the sixties, the disorientation and the vertigo that in fast boat do not only function as the background of the novel (and the time), but become the very form of the narrative, a Narrative accelerated, nervous, discontinuous: more


Book: Lancha rápida

ISBN: 9786079436032
Precio de lista: $360.00
Descuento: 15%