Among the different modes of existence that Étienne Souriau cataloged at the end of the 30s and the beginning of the 40s, one of them caught his attention: virtual existences. All his research, at the intersection between philosophy and art, was touched by this finding. These existences, at the limit of non-existence, and renamed by David Lapoujade as "minors", are not because of their insignificance, even though they always and forever run the risk of not being taken into account. On the contrary, the "minor" is a potential, a positivity, a virtual full of possible ... as long as their right to exist is recognized. It is then a case of jurisprudence that will decide on them, since it is an invisible fact, invisible, or at least not recognized by the law of the visible. This right to exist will need witnesses and defense attorneys, since their litigation is the most difficult. And it ...read more