The arrogant young Noboru Yasumoto returns to Edo, the great capital, after studying medicine in Nagasaki. Upon his arrival, he is greatly disappointed: instead of being appointed a doctor to the shogun, he is assigned to a clinic for the destitute and homeless that has very few resources. There, as an assistant to Dr. Niide (Barbarossa), he will learn that patients' lives are far more important than wealth or status and that suffering can also be mitigated with compassion.
Shugoro Yamamoto was one of the aliases of Satomu Shimizu (1903-1967), a novelist and short story writer who lived during the Showa period. He achieved great fame for his popular-themed works, and went on to publish his writings under more than fourteen different aliases.
In an easy-to-read style, the play addresses social issues such as poverty and prostitution, but also ideas about honor, the value more