Las radicalidades existenciales

Contrahistoria de la filosofìa VI

Las radicalidades existenciales - Michel Onfray - Cuenco de plata
Publisher name: 
Cuenco de plata
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

This sixth volume of the contrahistory of philosophy proposes "change" and resist the massification of an era by construction - and claimed to a strong subjectivity.

Henry David Thoreau shows that nature can and should give us lessons: against technology, modernity, journalism, consumer society, city, banking, industry; The philosopher proposes love by a lake, walking, loneliness, simple life, existential frugality, technophobic ecology, libertarian rebellion, the construction of a own home: autosubsistences in all its forms. He provides the models of him: the lumberjack, the Indian and the savage. Arthur Schopenhauer formulates the most complete pessimistic philosophy, but lives according to the principles of theorized epicureness in the art of being happy, a work that allows us to discover a theoretically dark thinker, certainly, but in practice in love with life, which more


Book: Las radicalidades existenciales

ISBN: 9789873743979