Libro de la interpretación de los sueños

Libro de la interpretación de los sueños - Artemidoro de Daldis - Akal
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Book size:
Soft cover

In 1899 Freud published for the first time the work that would be considered the most important, representative and influential of his entire production: The interpretation of dreams. With it he began a new discipline, psychoanalysis, which proposed the way through which to access the unconscious taking elements from lived experiences. For the first time the concept of the Self was introduced and dreams were the subject of scientific study. Thanks to the method proposed by Freud, the contents of those could be interpreted, generally as the representation of latent desires.
The interpretation of dreams is a fundamental book for those who want to know or deepen the theories of the father of psychoanalysis.


Book: Libro de la interpretación de los sueños

ISBN: 9788446010128
Precio de lista: $430.00
Descuento: 15%