Lo malo de lo bueno

o las soluciones de Hécate

Lo malo de lo bueno - Paul Watzlawick - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 155 g

Dr. Xylmurbafi really understands his subject, said Mr. Ipocon with satisfaction to his wife. . I had reason to rejoice because their doctors had failed to cure its ills then. And who will wonder to look forward to healing and try to accelerate it started? What is not so clear is that this became a condescending VICTIMS one of the most trivial and stale suggestions of Hecate, that is, the belief that more of the same had to be better. So he took the double dose of the drug and had to be hospitalized last Thursday in the municipal hospital with symptoms of poisoning.


Book: Lo malo de lo bueno

ISBN: 8425422949
Precio de lista: $445.00
Descuento: 30%