"We all have a home," said Philip Roth, "and that's always where things go wrong." In Los Caidos, a novel set in contemporary Cuba, we witness the collapse of a family whose members, without really knowing how, have ended up becoming adversaries who share the territory of the home.
The mother's illness, Mariana, of uncertain origin and unpredictable consequences, forces her to remain at home, alone with her memories of a time when the family held together in the face of the adversity of the "hard years." Mariana suffers epileptic seizures and is no longer the agglutinating element of the home. Diego, the youngest son, is about to end military service, fueling his resentment against the lie of his time, which is nothing other than the truth of the time of his father, Armando, who, in charge of a hotel Luxury for tourists, he must deal with his immovable socialist convictions, th...read more