Los dueños del periodismo

Claves de la estructura mediática mundial y de España

Los dueños del periodismo - Ramón Reig - Gedisa
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Weight: 499 g
Soft cover

Journalism has owners and, therefore, journalists, too. The famous phrase of Thomas Jefferson "I prefer newspapers without government, to government without newspapers" sounds very attractive but at this point in history is not rigorous: behind the media is not only political influence (and more so when it comes to high state policy) but, above all, economic influence, together with financial and business in general. All the relevant productive sectors want to invest in communication companies that are no longer such but elements of a system, the market. Jefferson lived between the 18th and 19th centuries. At the end of the 19th century, the diversification of media capital and the concentration of power were already observed in their own country. In the mid-nineteenth century, in France, Girardin allowed advertising to completely invade journalism. More owners: shareholders, advertis...read more


Book: Los dueños del periodismo

ISBN: 9788497846189
Precio de lista: $705.00
Descuento: 20%