¿Por qué una ética mundial? 

Religión y ética en tiempos de globalización

¿Por qué una ética mundial?  - Hans  Küng - Herder
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Weight: 220 g

In times of globalization, the world is experiencing a fusion of forces in the fields of politics, economics and communication. But neither the existing conflicts and problems arising can be considered as isolated phenomena, but also its solution requires an effort of all and a global commitment. Amid this maelstrom that leads us to link different cultural spaces with breathtaking ease, more urgent than ever agreement on common ethical standards as a guide for adjusting our interpersonal and intercultural skills. In this context, it is extremely important to the Global Ethic project, developed by the theologian Hans Küng, which has aroused great interest worldwide. In the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic of the Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago in 1993, whose principal author was just Hans Küng, was made a catalog of universal ethical standards, based on the basic precept...read more

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Book: ¿Por qué una ética mundial? 

ISBN: 8425422779
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 30%