Una economía decente en la era de la globalización

Una economía decente en la era de la globalización - Hans  Küng - Trotta
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Soft cover

"Can you participate decency in economic life and be successful? Since he proposed a common ethic of humanity in the Project of a Global Ethics in 1990, Hans Kong has been dealing with the problems of fair economic activity. Following the latest global economic crisis, and through a detailed analysis of its development, its causes and its consequences, this programmatic book asks about the fundamentals of globalization, as well as the moral justification of profit and the true cost of the market economy.
Without false moralism or moralizing desire, and respecting the autonomy of the various spheres of human life, such as economics, politics or law, Hans Kong wants to make "a modest contribution to the rediscovery and revaluation of ethics in the economy" and to propose a realistic vision for the future, with a practical-political purpose."

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Economía

Book: Una economía decente en la era de la globalización

ISBN: 9788498797886
Precio de lista: $1,175.00
Descuento: 25%