Los feminismos ante el islam

El velo y los cuerpos de las mujeres

Los feminismos ante el islam -  AA.VV. - Catarata
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 270 g
Soft cover

Veil, hijab, niqab, burqa... what are the differences between them? Why is the headscarf prohibited in some western countries? These questions are fundamental to the history of women in the Muslim world and in Europe, especially from feminisms. How do they act with respect to the headscarf and Muslim women? Do they reproduce the most widespread Western vision that the hijab can only be submission? Or do they recognize the veil as part of the diversity of women and feminists? Can you wear a scarf and be a feminist at the same time? This book shows the plurality of positions in feminisms, as there is also in the practices regarding the hijab. Therefore, knowledge of the context is essential to understand what a headscarf means: the veil can contribute to oppression or be used to oppose it.


Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Género

Book: Los feminismos ante el islam

ISBN: 9788413521855
Precio de lista: $595.00
Descuento: 25%