Los Rostros de la injusticia

Prólogo de Fernando Vallespín

Los Rostros de la injusticia - Judith Shklar - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 275 g

How can we distinguish between injustice and misfortune? What can we learn from the sense of injustice felt by the victims of a calamity? Judith Shklar, distinguished political theorist, weigh these and other issues, formulating a new moral theory and political injustice, which covers not only deliberate acts of cruelty but also our own indifference to them._x000D_ _x000D_
"A provocative meditation on the meaning and scope of human injustice, its varieties and its relation to both human psychology and the social and economic inequality."_x000D_
Martha Nussbaum, New Republic_x000D_ _x000D_
"An investigation of injustice extremely subtle, multidimensional, deeply insightful from the psychological point of view, historically self-conscious at the highest level and written in a style that is both ironic, skeptical and full of charm."_x000D_John Gray, Times Literary Supplement


Book: Los Rostros de la injusticia

ISBN: 9788425427299
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 50%