In this trial, Mauricio Beuchot (Torreon, 1950) includes some aspects of the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein (Vienna, 1889-1951) in which one can observe the use of the concept of analogy. Such is the idea of family resemblances about a paradigm. That is, we know taking as a model and associate objects that resemble it. In that line is, equally, so maybe philosopher, nationalized British, called "see", which appears in the metaphor.
To achieve this, firstly, the author presents some essential lines of Wittgenstein's philosophy of language and then points out some issues such as the relationship of this philosophy and religious thought and its analog character.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, in the words of Mauricio Beuchot, it "has helped develop an analog hermeneutics, which could also be called analog pragmatic, and even entire analog philosophy."