Manual de didáctica del objeto en el museo

Manual de didáctica del objeto en el museo -  AA.VV. - Trea
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"The raw materials they work with the museum curators are especially objects, from rocks to canvases painted porcelain and bodices past: all is studied, cataloging, preservation and exhibition.

Educators work with people, and its raw materials are often children and young people especially from formal education. They sometimes coincide in one place: the museum. It is in the museum where objects seek to illustrate their lessons or prepare questions for the next lesson. Often, however, both groups forget that objects deposited in museums can be, too, educational tools; Indeed, depending on how we treat them, these objects can be transformed into centers of interest capable of organizing itself around plenty of contents. Most of these objects can be related to concepts, themes and debates with which the school aims to educate.

The purpose of this manual is just trying to more


Book: Manual de didáctica del objeto en el museo

ISBN: 9788497046213
Precio de lista: $495.00
Descuento: 25%