Marcel Duchamp, itinerario de un desconocido

Marcel Duchamp, itinerario de un desconocido - Jorge Juanes - Itaca
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The twentieth century witnessed countless revolutions in the field of art, and among the leaders of the insurgency plastic is Marcel Duchamp. The interpretation by the author of this book revolves around Duchamp's critique to ocularcentrism as fetishized Western plastic and also examines the relationship established in the work of French artist between art and eroticism. An analysis of what is considered most important in the work of Duchamp ago: ready-made, the Grand Verre and Étant donnes ... are taken into account some of the most remarkable performances such as Octavio Paz, Maurizio Calvesi, and examines some neodadaist or postmodern currents.

Category: All >> Philosophy >> Esthetics

Book: Marcel Duchamp, itinerario de un desconocido

ISBN: 9786077957669