Marx y la psicología social del sentido común

(Contribución a una teoría marxista del sentido común)

Marx y la psicología social del sentido común - Jorge Veraza Urtuzuástegui - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

The class struggle waged in civil society includes a symbolic battlefield that is nothing less than common sense. In this struggle, millions of communicative events take place through which people's attitudes are formed and their consciousness is subjected to the imperatives of capital accumulation as they try to free themselves and be themselves, prosper, survive, antagonize or understood.

For the men and women of contemporary society, these multiple small events occur more or less unconscious of their foundations in songs, love affairs, defeats and daily triumphs. But all of them, many of them would improve their performance especially that of humanizing and liberating themselves if they could become aware of the traps and possibilities that germinate and hide in this territory that is common sense.

Hence Marx analyzed the essential aspects of these problems in more


Book: Marx y la psicología social del sentido común

ISBN: 9786079825539