Medias miradas

Un análisis cultural de la imagen femenina

Medias miradas - Enrique Gil Calvo - Anagrama
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 422.4 g
Soft cover

The more women are modernized by increasing their professional level and their participation in public life, the more they also care about their visual image, to the point of incurring obsessive pathological compulsions such as anorexia, bulimia or addiction to the consumption of products Rejuvenating and other articles of beauty and fashion. Which is a contradiction, because rationalism, work and professionalism marry very poorly with ritualism, glamor and spectacularism. This book explores such a paradox, trying to uncover the secret keys that are hidden behind the scenic mask of the female image. For this, the means are used as a pretext according to a double metaphor. The stockings allude to the female image as a whole, for they constitute a second skin much more purified and select that covers mortal flesh to redeem and enhance it, reflecting before the mirror a distinctive and more


Book: Medias miradas

ISBN: 9788433905925
Precio de lista: $425.00
Descuento: 25%