Memorias de la revolución griega de 1821

Memorias de la revolución griega de 1821 - Yanis Macriyanis - Machado Libros
Publisher name: 
Machado Libros
Year of publication: 

"It is true that I am not a man of letters, and that I do not know how to put in order what I write." I began this work, endeavoring to recount the misfortunes that have devastated our country and our faith, a product of folly and selfishness, not only of religious or The indignation to see the grave errors that have caused the death of so many innocents, is what has prompted me to put them in writing to this day, in which we no longer sacrifice ourselves in Virtues and patriotism, and we are in such a miserable situation that we are in danger of disappearing.
With these words General Macriyanis begins the account of his Memoirs, a singular text of the Neo-Greek letters for their philological and historical value: philological because they are written in a pure, unadulterated language, far from the cultist influences of the time; Historical, because it is a first-person account more

Category: All >> History >> Century XIX

Book: Memorias de la revolución griega de 1821

ISBN: 9788477749875
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 25%