Mensaje urgente a las mujeres

Mensaje urgente a las mujeres - Jean Shinoda Bolen - Kairós
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Soft cover

If in The Millionth Circle Jean S. Bolen offered women a whole new way to become activists from their local circles, in Urgent Message to Women the celebrated writer continues that important work: she launches a persuasive call to women around the world to save the planet, society, the economy, family structures and, With this, save themselves, through action.

The work of a lifetime culminates in this book that, written in a lyrical language, tries to revive a still unknown force: that of women who act together to save the world.

And, as Desmond Tutu, exprofeso of this book, has written: "men have had our chance, and we have made a real mess. We need women to save us."

Based on archaeological and cultural sources, Jean S. Bolen makes us see that we can change the path of domination and violence that has endangered us all, for a world of peace and companionship. more



Book: Mensaje urgente a las mujeres

ISBN: 9788472456112
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 15%