Mis demonios

Mis demonios - Edgar Morin - Kairós
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Book size:
Soft cover

This book was to be titled I am not one of yours, a clear allusion to the nonconformism, independence and heterodoxy of its author. Edgar Morin has finally opted for the title My Demons because he wanted to acknowledge his own demons, those that have inspired and guided all his work and his entire life.

My Demons is, thus, a book of both confession and creed, a fascinating intellectual autobiography about the obsessions, doubts, and great themes of the thinker who has contributed most, in our time, to the study of organized complexity. And disorganized.

Like Nietzsche, Edgar Morin has put his life into his writings, although he recognizes that there is an "inexplicable" part in everything. My Demons is also a book of ethics, of self-ethics. And it is, above all, a splendid synthesis of the work of an author who has produced, precisely, one of the most global syntheses of...read more



Book: Mis demonios

ISBN: 9788472453623
Precio de lista: $640.00
Descuento: 15%