Mitógrafos griegos

Mitógrafos griegos -  AA.VV. - Akal
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Weight: 259 g

Myths try to explain the universe, making understandable the innumerable mysteries that man finds everywhere and that he contemplates in admiration or awe. The Greeks elaborated their own myths, and created a pantheon of gods similar to men in their passions and vices, in their enmities and their loves. They expressed this vision of the world in the most beautiful fables, which first crossed Greece, then traveled to Rome and later spread throughout all the cultures of the West, which are a single culture, thanks largely to the imprint of the Greco-Roman civilization. This book brings together the main mythographers who compiled these legends, including as a novelty three unpublished works in Spanish. Each work has an introduction that is a complete update of its main aspects, as well as explanatory notes that illustrate the translation made


Book: Mitógrafos griegos

ISBN: 9788446017387
Precio de lista: $410.00
Descuento: 20%