Modernidad productiva y sindicatos en México: 1983-2010

Modernidad productiva y sindicatos en México: 1983-2010 - Luis Humberto Méndez y Berrueta - Ediciones Eón
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Eón
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Nearly thirty years have passed since a free market order based on a neoliberal ideology has been implemented in Mexico, and the results of that change in the country's fate have not been good, at least for the majority of the population. Labour modernity and trade union organization have failed to adapt to each other and the State and employers have not found a way to resolve the situation, especially in their own interests.


Book: Modernidad productiva y sindicatos en México: 1983-2010

ISBN: 9786079124595
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 30%