In 2007, Leovy opened a blog in the Los Angeles Times called homicide report, aiming to chronicle the 845 homicides that took place in Los Angeles County that year, and try to clarify the reasons why so many people kill and die. With a sober, data-driven approach, the controversial blog has the slogan "A Story for Every Victim," and it abounds with statistics on racial issues that highlight a raw and unpleasant fact: in 2013 blacks (8 percent of county residents) accounted for 32 percent of homicides, their rate is seven times that of other racial and ethnic groups combined.
Who's killing the African-American population? Mainly other black people, according to statistics, but it is worth noting the growing and disproportionate police violence towards this community. Death in the Ghetto is a fast-paced narrative, an intimate portrait of police inspectors and a community united more