Mundo zombi

El cine de muertos vivientes

Mundo zombi - Ramón Monedero Pujol - Berenice
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"Zombie" (Dawn of the Dead, 1978) became famous for its allegorical images of the living dead wandering around a shopping centre. The parallel was clear: we were the zombies who frequented the spaces made up of concatenations of shops like bodies without will, guided only by money and consumption. We were moulded as zombies long ago, when they put the money on the street so that we would go from ATM to ATM to consume even if we didn't need anything. Now we only have to show our mobile phone. The trick is to make it easier and easier. In this splendid book, Ramón Monedero deciphers the numerous concomitances between one of the most popular film genres and the reality that surrounds us. The author reviews the classic titles together with the lesser-known ones, and extracts from them an endless number of keys that will surprise the reader and that reveal a zombie world as disturbing as more


Book: Mundo zombi

ISBN: 9788411313971
Precio de lista: $700.00
Descuento: 15%