Música en la noche

Música en la noche - Francis Huxley - Kairós
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 198.4 g
Soft cover

During his life, Aldous Huxley earned a reputation as one of the giants of modern English prose and one of the best social commentators of his time. Known mostly for his novels, Huxley was also very comfortable with the form of the essay. Encompassing from journalism to critical reviews and literary, political, cultural and philosophical reflections, his essays are one of the finest examples of the genre in modern literature. Music at night is already a classic. In this volume, the author of A Happy World, communicates his points of view on various topics - tragedy, silence, art, grace, history, puritanism, beauty - always pointing to fundamental questions of the human condition The undoubted originality of the essayist is favored by the large amount of resources provided by his vast culture and his enormous curiosity. The essays gathered here are surprising because of the great intui...read more


Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Música en la noche

ISBN: 9788472455245
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 15%