Música infiel y tinta Invisible

Música infiel y tinta Invisible - Elvis Costello - Malpaso
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Weight: 1179.3 g
Hard cover

The awaited memories of one of the most unique musicians of all time. Infidel music and invisible ink are the memories (vital and musical) of Elvis Costello, one of the most unique and authentic characters of contemporary popular culture. Costello is not a star in the conventional sense of the term: perhaps we should say that thirty years ago he was a pop star and that he later became an extraordinary musician. From the beginning, Costello was characterized by indefatigably seeking the trait that differentiated it from others. In fact, so he confesses, his renunciation of stardom had to do with his inability to repeat himself, to become entangled in a style. Music unfaithful will be a real discovery for those who know the creations of Elvis Costello because in its pages you will find both the anecdotes of its existence and the reasons for its constant search for new challenges. For th...read more

Category: All >> Music >> Rock

Book: Música infiel y tinta Invisible

ISBN: 9788416420629
Precio de lista: $619.00
Descuento: 20%