Few authors can compare with the excess of the invention, the variety of records, the depth of immersion of his journey into the darkest and most hidden places of the mind and the descriptive finesse of Joseph Conrad. The whole of the short narrative of one of the most decisive and fundamental authors of the twentieth century, from stories in which he rehearsed motifs for his major works to some of his pieces, is collected here in Spanish for the first time in some cases Better solved like Typhoon, The secret accomplice, or Falk, or novels so unknown by the reader in Spanish like The settler of Malata or The soul of the warrior and, also, its most celebrated work, The heart of the darknesses. Conrad marvels at us with a multitude of sailors, anarchists, lucid lunatics and delirious killers; The terrain on which man begins to play with fire is definitely the terrain on which all the ar...read more