Organización y gestión de conocimiento en la comunicación

Organización y gestión de conocimiento en la comunicación - Antonio García Jímenez - Trea
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In the context of documentary activity, the approach is made to the organization of knowledge in the study of the tools, processes and methods of work, especially the analytic formulas and representation and documentary languages​​, in connection with the hypermedia different aspects of reality. In turn, it delves into the ways of assessment in the context of information retrieval and new information systems. Second, the field of knowledge management is addressed by presenting its scope, its conceptual and methodological foundations and its relation to the management of information and the idea of intellectual capital through the variants and corresponding measures . In the last part, different applications and testing information current economic, discursive type as selected, and corporate communications, and operational context arise.


Book: Organización y gestión de conocimiento en la comunicación

ISBN: 9788497040464
Precio de lista: $655.00
Descuento: 25%