Paz e interculturalidad

Una reflexión filosófica

Paz e interculturalidad - Raimon  Panikkar - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 200 g

The problem of peace is so complex and difficult. Not only are there practical obstacles, but also theoretical difficulties. Unable to properly assess the problem from the other without a knowledge of their cultural knowledge that can not be achieved without love, hence the importance of multiculturalism. The peace of mankind depends on peace between cultures. This book is intended as a contribution to address this problem. Interculturalism puts into question the dominant myths of the status quo, but leads to a relatively liberated. Humanity is now at a crossroads of historic dimensions. This is the real challenge of the so-called globalization, or the techno-scientific civilization is superior to all other cultures and, therefore, is called to be imposed, or there are other cultures that also allow man to reach its fulfillment and happiness.

Category: All >> Theology

Book: Paz e interculturalidad

ISBN: 8425424240
Precio de lista: $525.00
Descuento: 30%