Pensando pensamientos

Pensando pensamientos - Margaret Randall - Heredad
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In this book, a protagonist of some of the great social and artistic revolutions of the 20th century addresses the generations that arrive to inherit their reflections, their memories, their questions and their dreams. The 31 essays gathered here reflect on the pandemic, #MeToo, the global rise of intolerance, and the tearing down of statues honoring racist figures, while praising nuanced and complex thinking. This is also a book about the power of art in times of civilizational crisis, and a set of memories that speak of love, curiosity, a sense of humor, and the ability of each person to transform the world.

Yes, I think this is but a woman's little manifesto: memories to be honored and set free... This is my little personal monument to the integrity of the word formed on the page: a palpable and indirect experience, free of consumer coercion.


Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Pensando pensamientos

ISBN: 9786079868260
Precio de lista: $220.00
Descuento: 15%