
En búsqueda de la sabiduría secreta

Platón - Giovanni  Reale - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 480 g

This new book on Giovanni Reale platter is not only the sum, but, from one point of view, the complement of all their previous work, with some new features that the author feels a certain relief. For some time, some scholars have rightly observed that Plato is situated in a quite exceptional historical moment, which reaches the full cultural development of truly revolutionary importance. The main objective of this book, the result now four decades of Platonic studies of the author, wants to be to make some contributions to the correction of certain parameters that seek to impose, and to reconstruct the features of Plato as a writer, poet and mythologist, Unlike thinker. It features much richer and complex than many people think, and that is unparalleled. According to Reale, Plato is "without more, the greatest of the philosophers" who has appeared on the earth today, and the task of more


Book: Platón

ISBN: 8425421756
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%