Potencias del tiempo

Versiones de Bergson

Potencias del tiempo - David Lapoujade - Cactus
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Obey, believe, create, are the three forms of attachment to life that David Lapoujade, philosopher of singular acuity, extracted from one of the most neglected books of Henri Bergson, his final work, The Two Sources of Morality and religion , that work, as in Spinoza, could correspond, if we take the risk, the tempo of beatitude. From these three verbs man has fought its inherent biological fact, the "depressing power of intelligence". And while the two first forms (social symbols, religious) go from not fragile consolations (but what forces as ingenious as they have commanded much of human history!), The latter makes blow up the data, or at least it undergoes a fundamental emotion, you do not know where it comes from, but intuits, which has no precise way that corresponds neither binds us as beings or objects, that is an emotion of time. A free act that expresses the "depths" that I ...read more



Book: Potencias del tiempo

ISBN: 9789872621940
Precio de lista: $290.00
Descuento: 20%