Proyectos de vivienda social sustentable

Tequila, mexico.

Proyectos de vivienda social sustentable - Mónica Solórzano Gil - ITESO
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Decent housing is a fundamental human right. It crystallizes when it is possible to build and inhabit a quality work in which the built is combined, in an adequate and harmonious relationship, with the needs, economic possibilities, security and comfort of its inhabitants and the environment that surrounds them.
Such is one of the goals of architecture, which is achieved and reflected in the book Sustainable social housing projects, Tequila, Mexico, which brings together 16 innovative proposals for aesthetic, comfortable, safe homes that can be self-built in a progressive and economical.
This work presents the finalist projects of the 1st. International Competition for the Conceptual Design of Sustainable Social Housing, organized by ITESO and the Beckmann Foundation, which brought together professionals and students of architecture, civil engineering, design and related more


Book: Proyectos de vivienda social sustentable

ISBN: 9786078768035
Precio de lista: $950.00
Descuento: 10%