Psicoanálisis al alcance de todos

Psicoanálisis al alcance de todos - Antoni Talarn - Herder
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Weight: 330 g

Psychoanalysis is suffering a double process of vilification. On the one hand, the media will trivialize the extreme, showing a pathetic picture endless therapies, analysts apathetic and sessions centered around sex and parents. On the other hand, from academia branded him is unscientific , the worst epithet that any discipline can receive.

All this, which already happened in the days of Freud, contrasts sharply with another double phenomenon, in this case recognition. First, the sheer number of professionals in medicine, psychiatry, psychology, sociology, philosophy and other subjects considered proved that the scientific and therapeutic value. Second, the enormous influence that psychoanalysis has had on Western society, perhaps only comparable to that were the ideas of Darwin and Marx.

This book will show psychoanalysis in a flexible, comprehensive and truthful, more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Psicoanálisis al alcance de todos

ISBN: 8425426261
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%