Psicoanálisis Negativo

Psicoanálisis Negativo - Pierre Eyguesier - Marmol izquierdo
Publisher name: 
Marmol izquierdo
Year of publication: 

These days it is not common for a psychoanalyst to emphasize the insufficiency of his own practice. Through the various essays that make up this book, Pierre Eyguesier explores the reasons for this collapse and what should be done to remedy it: return to psychoanalysis its liberating power by facing the alienating living conditions that the daily life of those analyzed entails and that They often render the classic tools of Freudian psychoanalysis obsolete. This implies the need for analysts to adopt a clear position in relation to contemporary social reality. Although marked, like the majority of French psychoanalysts, by the Lacanian discourse, Pierre Eyguesier no longer hesitates to question the word of the "master." A work that remains insufficient in relation to the breadth of the problem, but that has the merit of shaking the strange drowsiness of this medium that, like many more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Psicoanálisis Negativo

ISBN: 9789878286006
Precio de lista: $480.00
Descuento: 10%